






       亞太互助會的使命之一是為社區長者們提供一個百年後能負擔得起的、環境優雅的墓園地。 我們的「長者互助基金」將為遭受喪親之痛的家庭提供經濟援助,緩解喪親家庭的喪葬費用負擔。我們的「青年互助基金將會」將為有未成年子女的家庭提供相關教育基金,為有需求的家庭創造條件,讓這些家庭的子女能有機會得到更好的教育。




     未來, 亞太互助會將為社區提供廣泛多元的服務項目。健康保健、社區診所和青年教育基金將成為我們的長期項目。我們的長遠目標是為社區打造一個 --- 提供集健康保健、社區診所、靑老年基金及靑老年服務項目的多元化文化中心。


AMA's mission is to build a comprehensive platform to tackle the needs of the elderly and the youth in API communities. Through health-based services and educational opportunities respectively, AMA will engage and work with communities to provide the services to the needy individuals and families. 


 Wanting a peaceful resting place for loved ones is a fundamental value in Chinese culture.

The resting place is a destination of dignity, honor and respect, and serves as a monument where family members can honor the memories they hold dear.

This past decade, funeral expenses have risen to new heights, in which the majority of the price increase is the interment expense. Nowadays, the average price of a cemetery or a memorial park single grave property ranges from $4,500 to $15,000, depending on the location. The average cost of cemetery properties has risen more than 100% over the last ten years and continues to rise annually.

Working together with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York City and CMS Mid-Atlantic Inc., AMA provides seniors an option to acquire an affordable final resting place. Currently, there are eight cemeteries and memorial parks under CMS management and CMS is in the process of obtaining new properties. These cemeteries are accessible from Chinese communities in New York City — a 45 to 55-minute drive.

Understandably, many families are concerned about the total funeral cost. To address this, AMA’s Senior Mutual Aid Fund can help alleviate the financial burden of the funeral. If you are 55 or older and reside in the United States, you are qualified to apply for the fund. With a low annual fee and a small donation, family members can receive up to $20,000 to help fund the funeral expense.

Our Youth Mutual Aid Fund provides financial assistance for families who want to, but are unable to, send their children to higher education institutions. We firmly believe that supporting younger generations is a key step to building a better community and education is a foundation upon which we can build.


In the future, AMA will offer a wide array of social services, including healthcare assistance, community clinics, and funds intended for educational purposes. AMA also seeks to establish a multi-purpose community center, which will provide a range of services and activities for local community members.