李溢熙先生 八零年代中期跟隨家人由香港移民美國, 在紐澤西州唸書升學, 其後以半工讀及獎學金完成化學系課程,畢業於紐澤西州立羅格斯大學。畢業後任職化學師從事工業清潔製品和化娤品的研究及開發。二零零八年因緣際遇下加入五福殯儀集團任職七年至二零一五年年底, 對殯葬禮儀方面的事宜有深入認知。
李溢熙由九零年代開始便服務於紐約華人社區, 曾先後於中華商台跟AM1480以半職形式擔任節目主持及監製。曾多次參與籌辦及策劃大形華埠社區活動, 對華人社區有廣泛了解。千禧年間李溢熙創辦 Art for Humanity Organization 非牟利藝術團體並擔任會長一職, 目前就職於ACS 工業清潔製品研究公司任首席化學師兼技術總監.
Brief Introduction of Executive Director Sunny Lee
Mr. Sunny Lee immigrated to the United States with his family in 1986. Since then he resides in New Jersey for his education. In early 90’s, with scholarships and work study program, Sunny obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Not too long after his graduation, he worked as Research and Development Chemist for Industry cleaning and cosmetic products for over 10 years. In 2008 he was invited to join the Ng Fook Funeral Group by Mrs. Amy Chen. Sunny worked with the company for seven years and resigned in late 2015. He has enormous knowledge in the funeral related business.
From the 90’s Mr. Sunny Lee has been very active in social community service. He worked as a part time radio show host and program producer in CWCB and AM1480, the two biggest Chinese radio stations in East Coast. His enthusiasm involved himself to many large community functions. Nowadays, he is still very much involved and maintain his passions to serve the community. At the millennium Sonny founded Art for Humanity Organization, an art related not for profit organization and served as the president to the organization. He is currently the Chief Chemist/Technical Director for ACS Inc., in New York City.