


The Chinese Chamber Of Commerce of New York, Inc



本會的創立可遠溯到一九零四年(遜清光緒卅年甲辰),初名「商務局」,一九零七年改名「華商總會」,曾向當時的大清政府立案,直到一九三二年正式獲得紐約政府核准立案,正式為「紐約中華總商會」,英文名為:THE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF NEW YORK, INC.


















     本會是中華公所七大僑圑之一,因此在促進華埠繁榮,協助新移民定居和解決工作生活困難;在營商有關的業務上,致力協助小商業經營的商戶發展;繼續與國內外貿易機構聯絡,爭取更多商機;爭取政府資助籌建大廈或老人住宅,解決華埠屋荒;舉辦各項大型活動,吸引更多遊客促進社區繁榮,包括每年春節的市集、 四月華埠櫻花節、七月臺灣旅遊文化節、八月華埠健康及移民日、九月社區中秋慶祝及十二月聖誕點燈等。


Mission Statement:

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York is a 501c6 membership organization supported by membership dues, program fees, personal and corporate contributions and the efforts of our members and friends.  It is run by a voluntary board of directors with the support of numerous volunteers.

We support the business community with our facilities and intimate knowledge of the community as well as assisting new businesses with getting established.  We support the business community through advocating for positive business legislation, hosting networking events and seminars and international outreach.


Founded in 1904 and incorporated in 1932, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York, Inc. (CCCNY) is one of the oldest non-profit trade organizations that promote and support expansion and progress of Chinese commercial pursuits.

The increase in immigration after the repeal of the 1943 Exclusion Act gradually brought significant problems with language, customs, business practice and housing.  Since the founding of the Chamber, we have been able provide a wealth of information and guidance for new immigrants.

Current Services:

1. Encourage international trade and advise our members on issues relating to the business as well as promoting strategic ventures between Asian and Non-Asian businesses.

2. Unite the community and small businesses by staging multiple outdoor events every year such as the Cherry Blossom Festival, Taiwan Tourism and International Festival, Veterans and Community Job Fair as well as the Chinatown Health and Education Fair.

3. Provide seminars and courses for small business in cooperation with Pace University.

4. Issue publications from time to time to list information relating to commerce and trade of the community.

5. Promote and sponsor a low-income senior citizen housing development with the assistance of the government.

6. Collect and disseminate information and data on business conditions both domestically and internationally.

7. Cooperate with financial institutions to provide low-cost loans to the small businesses in the community.

8. Discuss with corporate and government representatives gaining leads and additional business for our members.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York, Inc. is composed of Chinese-American and other nationals in different lines of business including bankers, financial organizations, real estate operators, construction firms, importers and exporters, trading companies, shipping lines, airlines, noodle manufacturers, restaurants, meat and poultry firms as well as professional individuals like lawyers, accountants, architects and contractors.


To relieve the housing shortage during the mid 60’s, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of New York and the Association for Chinatown Housing co-sponsored the Confucius Plaza project which ultimately provided 762 cooperative apartments, accommodating 3000+ residents.  The 48 million dollar housing project was conceived in 1965 under the Mitchell-Lama program and completed in 1976 at less than the estimated cost.  It became a phenomenal success and is the pride of the Chinese community.

 environment and hope to accomplish the following interests:

1. Expand our capabilities to provide better training, support and education to Limited English Proficiency Chinese in the business world.

2. Serve as a platform for the LEP Chinese to connect with one another, and with fellow business owners and professionals who share the same goals.

3. Sponsor skill building workshops, seminars and networking opportunities, addressing a wide range of issues, and conducted by industry experts.

4. Increase the number of events and programs to cater the needs of our members and community.

5. To promote, continually support and sponsor a low-income senior citizen housing development with the assistance of the government

6. Continual search for sources and commodities and supplies that would benefit the business of the community.

7. To honor and bring to public attention the Chinese leaders of our community.